
Whether it be Creative Content, Content Management or our vast Technical Capabilities and Resources, Service is Core to our business. We employ the best of the best to insure an expertise level above all others. The Staff of Activate The Space has decades of experince and is guided by one core philosophy. "Treat our customers like we want to be treated" While this seems simple enough, In practice, it takes dicipline and a culture developed over time to deliver on this. We are dedicated to always having the resources available to fullfill this commitment.

"There is something special when creative people get together."

Joe Magano - American Inventor and Entrepreneur

Activate The Space has all of the disciplines required in-house to make your environments, engaging, thought provoking and spectacular in every way possible. Our in-house Content Design and Management Team are accustomed to making complicated and difficult to achieve visuals come to life.
Our Creative Editors can take Media Content to the next level by incorporating Video, Images, Graphics, Motion Graphics as well as Live Feeds, Interactivity and Social Media to create engaging and interactive relevant Media Content to display on your systems. Our Creative Team is constantly finding new and Inventive methods to improve our systems and their visual presentation.
Let us handle all of your Content Management and Editing needs.

Scheduling & Distribution

Static Image

Compositing & Animation

Text & Title

Social Media Integration

Motion Graphics

We are dedicated to excellent project management with the staff and resources needed for any project from design to integration.

Our design relationship with some of the largest manufacturers of LED products in the world is second to none. Our designs are custom to ATS as we are able to pick and choose the best components available and customize our designs to incorporate best of class components and mechanical design..
Our in house Mechanical and System Design enables us to improve the technical aspects of our systems as a continual process even after installation.
Our Project Management Team is experienced and time tested. Your success is our success. In our projects, we are all on the same team.
Sustainable Design is a core tenant of our Technical Services philosophy. When we design and Build, great care and thought is put into every aspect to insure the long term satisfaction of our clients.

Mechanical CAD Design

AV CAD Design

Project Management

Service excellence is at our core and serves as our discipline and process philosophy.

With our in house technical design and integration services, we pre-rack and test every component before it gets installed. We build in network monitoring of all system operations so we can monitor, update and service many systems located anywhere from anywhere. Our process for projects has been developed over the past 15 years. Our discipline guides this process no matter the size of the project. Big or small, all of our projects and support are backed by the same process.
Our experienced and seasoned field installation and after install support teams are with you every step of the way. Failure is not an option and we don't have unhappy customers.


Service & Support

Support Monitoring


We Create Experiences

Award winning, Iconic AV projects, products and services

Activate The Space is one of the Pre-Eminent AV Environment design companies for the past 15 years. Consultation and Education is the cornerstone of our Audio Visual Design / Build approach. Our job is to listen to your needs, learn about your culture and goals and then work with you on what is possible? For Activate The Space, the consultation process is where Creative Ideas meet Technology Realities and where Problems are turned into Solutions.

Our Wholesale Products Division

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